Title: | Flexible Co-Data Learning for High-Dimensional Prediction |
Description: | Fit linear, logistic and Cox survival regression models penalised with adaptive multi-group ridge penalties. The multi-group penalties correspond to groups of covariates defined by (multiple) co-data sources. Group hyperparameters are estimated with an empirical Bayes method of moments, penalised with an extra level of hyper shrinkage. Various types of hyper shrinkage may be used for various co-data. Co-data may be continuous or categorical. The method accommodates inclusion of unpenalised covariates, posterior selection of covariates and multiple data types. The model fit is used to predict for new samples. The name 'ecpc' stands for Empirical Bayes, Co-data learnt, Prediction and Covariate selection. See Van Nee et al. (2020) <arXiv:2005.04010>. |
Authors: | Mirrelijn M. van Nee [aut, cre], Lodewyk F.A. Wessels [aut], Mark A. van de Wiel [aut] |
Maintainer: | Mirrelijn M. van Nee <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 3.1.1 |
Built: | 2025-03-10 05:36:32 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/ecpc |
Fit linear, logistic and Cox survival regression models penalised with adaptive multi-group ridge penalties. The multi-group penalties correspond to groups of covariates defined by (multiple) co-data sources. Group hyperparameters are estimated with an empirical Bayes method of moments, penalised with an extra level of hyper shrinkage. Various types of hyper shrinkage may be used for various co-data. Co-data may be continuous or categorical. The method accommodates inclusion of unpenalised covariates, posterior selection of covariates and multiple data types. The model fit is used to predict for new samples. The name 'ecpc' stands for Empirical Bayes, Co-data learnt, Prediction and Covariate selection. See Van Nee et al. (2020) <arXiv:2005.04010>.
Package: | ecpc |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Flexible Co-Data Learning for High-Dimensional Prediction |
Version: | 3.1.1 |
Date: | 2023-02-27 |
Authors@R: | c(person(c("Mirrelijn","M."), "van Nee", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "[email protected]"), person(c("Lodewyk","F.A."), "Wessels", role = "aut"), person(c("Mark","A."), "van de Wiel", role = "aut")) |
Author: | Mirrelijn M. van Nee [aut, cre], Lodewyk F.A. Wessels [aut], Mark A. van de Wiel [aut] |
Maintainer: | Mirrelijn M. van Nee <[email protected]> |
Depends: | R (>= 3.5.0) |
Imports: | glmnet, stats, Matrix, gglasso, mvtnorm, CVXR, multiridge (>= 1.5), survival, pROC, mgcv, pracma, JOPS, quadprog, checkmate |
Suggests: | Rsolnp, expm, foreach, doParallel, parallel, ggplot2, ggraph, igraph, ggpubr, scales, dplyr, magrittr, nnls |
Description: | Fit linear, logistic and Cox survival regression models penalised with adaptive multi-group ridge penalties. The multi-group penalties correspond to groups of covariates defined by (multiple) co-data sources. Group hyperparameters are estimated with an empirical Bayes method of moments, penalised with an extra level of hyper shrinkage. Various types of hyper shrinkage may be used for various co-data. Co-data may be continuous or categorical. The method accommodates inclusion of unpenalised covariates, posterior selection of covariates and multiple data types. The model fit is used to predict for new samples. The name 'ecpc' stands for Empirical Bayes, Co-data learnt, Prediction and Covariate selection. See Van Nee et al. (2020) <arXiv:2005.04010>. |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
URL: | http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/sim.9162 |
RoxygenNote: | 7.2.0 |
NeedsCompilation: | no |
Packaged: | 2023-02-27 19:56:56 UTC; Mirrelijn |
Date/Publication: | 2023-02-27 21:12:30 UTC |
Config/pak/sysreqs: | libgmp3-dev make libmpfr-dev |
Repository: | https://mirrelijn.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/cran/ecpc |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | c67408db7e5a5ec908a4badb8acd9b9dd6c0be50 |
Index of help topics:
coef.ecpc Obtain coefficients from 'ecpc' object createCon Create a list of constraints for co-data weight estimation createGroupset Create a group set (groups) of variables createS Create a generalised penalty matrix createZforGroupset Create a co-data matrix Z for a group set createZforSplines Create a co-data matrix Z of splines cv.ecpc Cross-validation for 'ecpc' ecpc Fit adaptive multi-group ridge GLM with hypershrinkage ecpc-package Flexible Co-Data Learning for High-Dimensional Prediction hierarchicalLasso Fit hierarchical lasso using LOG penalty obtainHierarchy Obtain hierarchy plot.ecpc Plot an 'ecpc' object postSelect Perform posterior selection predict.ecpc Predict for new samples for 'ecpc' object print.ecpc Print summary of 'ecpc' object produceFolds Produce folds simDat Simulate data splitMedian Discretise continuous data in multiple granularities visualiseGroupset Visualise a group set visualiseGroupsetweights Visualise estimated group set weights visualiseGroupweights Visualise estimated group weights
See ecpc
for example code.
Mirrelijn M. van Nee [aut, cre], Lodewyk F.A. Wessels [aut], Mark A. van de Wiel [aut]
Maintainer: Mirrelijn M. van Nee <[email protected]>
Obtain regression coefficients or penalties from an existing model fit given in an 'ecpc' object, re-estimate regression coefficients for a given 'ecpc' object and ridge penalties, or obtain ridge penalties for given prior parameters and co-data.
## S3 method for class 'ecpc' coef(object, penalties = NULL, X = NULL, Y = NULL, unpen = NULL, intrcpt = TRUE, model = c("linear", "logistic", "cox"), est_beta_method = c("glmnet", "multiridge"), ...) penalties(object, tauglobal=NULL, sigmahat=NULL, gamma=NULL, gamma0=NULL, w=NULL, Z=NULL, groupsets=NULL, unpen=NULL, datablocks=NULL)
## S3 method for class 'ecpc' coef(object, penalties = NULL, X = NULL, Y = NULL, unpen = NULL, intrcpt = TRUE, model = c("linear", "logistic", "cox"), est_beta_method = c("glmnet", "multiridge"), ...) penalties(object, tauglobal=NULL, sigmahat=NULL, gamma=NULL, gamma0=NULL, w=NULL, Z=NULL, groupsets=NULL, unpen=NULL, datablocks=NULL)
object |
An 'ecpc' object returned by |
penalties |
Ridge penalties; p-dimensional vector. If provided to |
tauglobal |
Estimated global prior variance; scalar (or vector with datatype-specific global prior variances when multiple ‘datablocks’ are given).) If provided to |
sigmahat |
(linear model) Estimated sigma^2. If provided to |
gamma |
Estimated co-data variable weights; vector of dimension the total number of groups. If provided to |
gamma0 |
Estimated co-data variable intercept; scalar. If provided to |
w |
Estimated group set weights; m-dimensional vector. If provided to |
X |
Observed data; (nxp)-dimensional matrix (p: number of covariates) with each row the observed high-dimensional feature vector of a sample. |
Y |
Response data; n-dimensional vector (n: number of samples) for linear and logistic outcomes, or |
Z |
List with m co-data matrices. Each element is a (pxG)-dimensional co-data matrix containing co-data on the p variables. Co-data should either be provided in ‘Z’ or ‘groupsets’. |
groupsets |
Co-data group sets; list with m (m: number of group sets) group sets. Each group set is a list of all groups in that set. Each group is a vector containing the indices of the covariates in that group. |
unpen |
Unpenalised covariates; vector with indices of covariates that should not be penalised. |
intrcpt |
Should an intercept be included? Included by default for linear and logistic, excluded for Cox for which the baseline hazard is estimated. |
model |
Type of model for the response; linear, logistic or cox. |
est_beta_method |
Package used for estimating regression coefficients, either "glmnet" or "multiridge". |
datablocks |
(optional) for multiple data types, the corresponding blocks of data may be given in datablocks; a list of B vectors of the indices of covariates in ‘X’ that belong to each of the B data blocks. Unpenalised covariates should not be given as seperate block, but can be omitted or included in blocks with penalised covariates. Each datatype obtains a datatype-specific ‘tauglobal’ as in multiridge. |
... |
Other parameters |
For coef.ecpc
, a list with:
intercept |
If included, the estimated intercept; scalar. |
beta |
Estimated regression coefficients; p-dimensional vector. |
For penalties
: a p-dimensional vector with ridge penalties.
for obtaining penalties for given prior parameters and co-data.
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ################### # Provide co-data # ################### continuousCodata <- abs(Dat$beta) Z1 <- cbind(continuousCodata,sqrt(continuousCodata)) #setting 2: splines for informative continuous Z2 <- createZforSplines(values=continuousCodata) S1.Z2 <- createS(orderPen=2, G=dim(Z2)[2]) #create difference penalty matrix Con2 <- createCon(G=dim(Z2)[2], shape="positive+monotone.i") #create constraints #setting 3: 5 random groups G <- 5 categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,p,TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups: groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) Z3 <- createZforGroupset(groupsetRandom,p=p) S1.Z3 <- createS(G=G, categorical = TRUE) #create difference penalty matrix Con3 <- createCon(G=dim(Z3)[2], shape="positive") #create constraints #fit ecpc for the three co-data matrices with following penalty matrices and constraints #note: can also be fitted without paraPen and/or paraCon Z.all <- list(Z1=Z1,Z2=Z2,Z3=Z3) paraPen.all <- list(Z2=list(S1=S1.Z2), Z3=list(S1=S1.Z3)) paraCon <- list(Z2=Con2, Z3=Con3) ############ # Fit ecpc # ############ tic<-proc.time()[[3]] fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd, Z = Z.all, paraPen = paraPen.all, paraCon = paraCon, model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic #estimate coefficients for twice as large penalties new_coefficients <- coef(fit, penalties=fit$penalties*2, X=Dat$Xctd, Y=Dat$Y) #change some prior parameters and find penalties gamma2 <- fit$gamma; gamma2[1:3] <- 1:3 new_penalties <- penalties(fit, gamma=gamma2, Z=Z.all) new_coefficients2 <- coef(fit, penalties=new_penalties, X=Dat$Xctd, Y=Dat$Y)
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ################### # Provide co-data # ################### continuousCodata <- abs(Dat$beta) Z1 <- cbind(continuousCodata,sqrt(continuousCodata)) #setting 2: splines for informative continuous Z2 <- createZforSplines(values=continuousCodata) S1.Z2 <- createS(orderPen=2, G=dim(Z2)[2]) #create difference penalty matrix Con2 <- createCon(G=dim(Z2)[2], shape="positive+monotone.i") #create constraints #setting 3: 5 random groups G <- 5 categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,p,TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups: groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) Z3 <- createZforGroupset(groupsetRandom,p=p) S1.Z3 <- createS(G=G, categorical = TRUE) #create difference penalty matrix Con3 <- createCon(G=dim(Z3)[2], shape="positive") #create constraints #fit ecpc for the three co-data matrices with following penalty matrices and constraints #note: can also be fitted without paraPen and/or paraCon Z.all <- list(Z1=Z1,Z2=Z2,Z3=Z3) paraPen.all <- list(Z2=list(S1=S1.Z2), Z3=list(S1=S1.Z3)) paraCon <- list(Z2=Con2, Z3=Con3) ############ # Fit ecpc # ############ tic<-proc.time()[[3]] fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd, Z = Z.all, paraPen = paraPen.all, paraCon = paraCon, model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic #estimate coefficients for twice as large penalties new_coefficients <- coef(fit, penalties=fit$penalties*2, X=Dat$Xctd, Y=Dat$Y) #change some prior parameters and find penalties gamma2 <- fit$gamma; gamma2[1:3] <- 1:3 new_penalties <- penalties(fit, gamma=gamma2, Z=Z.all) new_coefficients2 <- coef(fit, penalties=new_penalties, X=Dat$Xctd, Y=Dat$Y)
Create a list of constraints to be used by ecpc
in estimating G co-data weights. Combine constraints with p-splines to estimate shape-constrained functions, e.g. positive, monotone increasing and/or convex functions.
createCon(G, shape = "positive+monotone.i+convex")
createCon(G, shape = "positive+monotone.i+convex")
G |
Number of co-data weights that should be estimated subject to constraints. |
shape |
Common type of shapes, including ‘positive’, 'monotone.i' ('monotone.d') for monotonically increasing (decreasing), 'convex' ('concave'), or any combination thereof by attaching multiple with a '+' sign. |
A list of the form list(M.ineq = M.ineq, b.ineq = b.ineq)
with the matrix M.ineq and vector b.ineq containing the inequality constraints corresponding to the given shape.
The relation between the prior variance and co-data may be estimated with a shape-constrained spline, see createZforSplines
and createS
for creating a spline basis and difference penalty matrix for a co-data variable. See ecpc
for an example.
#create constraints for positivity Con1 <- createCon(G=10, shape="positive") #create constraints for positive and monotonically increasing weights Con2 <- createCon(G=10, shape="positive+monotone.i")
#create constraints for positivity Con1 <- createCon(G=10, shape="positive") #create constraints for positive and monotonically increasing weights Con2 <- createCon(G=10, shape="positive+monotone.i")
Create a group set (groups) of variables for categorical co-data (factor, character or boolean input), or for continuous co-data (numeric). Continuous co-data is discretised in non-overlapping groups.
createGroupset(values,index=NULL,grsize=NULL,ngroup=10, decreasing=TRUE,uniform=FALSE,minGroupSize = 50)
createGroupset(values,index=NULL,grsize=NULL,ngroup=10, decreasing=TRUE,uniform=FALSE,minGroupSize = 50)
values |
Factor, character or boolean vector for categorical co-data, or numeric vector for continuous co-data values. |
index |
Index of the covariates corresponding to the values supplied. Useful if part of the co-data is missing/seperated and only the non-missing/remaining part should be discretised. |
grsize |
Numeric. Size of the groups. Only relevant when |
ngroup |
Numeric. Number of the groups to create. Only relevant when |
decreasing |
Boolean. If |
uniform |
Boolean. If |
minGroupSize |
Numeric. Minimum group size. Only relevant when |
This function is derived from CreatePartition
from the GRridge
-package, available on Bioconductor. Note that the function name and some variable names have been adapted to match terminology used in other functions in the ecpc
A convenience function to create group sets of variables from external information that is stored in values
. If values
is a factor then the levels of the factor define the groups.
If values
is a character vector then the unique names in the character vector define the groups.
If values
is a Boolean vector then the group set consists of two groups for True and False.
If values
is a numeric vector, then groups contain the variables corresponding to
consecutive values of values
. Alternatively, the group size
is determined automatically from ngroup
. If uniform=FALSE
, a group with rank $r$ is
of approximate size mingr*(r^f)
, where f>1
is determined such that the total number of groups equals ngroup
Such unequal group sizes enable the use of fewer groups (and hence faster computations) while still maintaining a
good ‘resolution’ for the extreme values in values
. About decreasing
: if smaller values
mean ‘less relevant’ (e.g. test statistics, absolute regression coefficients) use decreasing=TRUE
, else use decreasing=FALSE
, e.g. for p-values. If index
is defined, then the group set will use these variable indices corresponding to the values. Useful if the group set should be made for a subset of all variables.
A list with elements that contain the indices of the variables belonging to each of the groups.
Mark A. van de Wiel
Instead of discretising continuous co-data in a a fixed number of groups, they may be discretised adaptively to learn a discretisation that fits the data well, see: splitMedian
#SOME EXAMPLES ON SMALL NR OF VARIABLES #EXAMPLE 1: group set based on known gene signature (boolean vector) genset <- sapply(1:100,function(x) paste("Gene",x)) signature <- sapply(seq(1,100,by=2),function(x) paste("Gene",x)) SignatureGroupset <- createGroupset(genset%in%signature) #boolean vector #EXAMPLE 2: group set based on factor variable Genetype <- factor(sapply(rep(1:4,25),function(x) paste("Type",x))) TypeGroupset <- createGroupset(Genetype) #EXAMPLE 3: group set based on continuous variable, e.g. p-value pvals <- rbeta(100,1,4) #Creating a group set of 10 equally-sized groups, corresponding to increasing p-values. PvGroupset <- createGroupset(pvals, decreasing=FALSE,uniform=TRUE,ngroup=10) #Alternatively, create a group set of 5 unequally-sized groups, #with minimal size at least 10. Group size #increases with less relevant p-values. # Recommended when nr of variables is large. PvGroupset2 <- createGroupset(pvals, decreasing=FALSE,uniform=FALSE, ngroup=5,minGroupSize=10) #EXAMPLE 4: group set based on subset of variables, #e.g. p-values only available for 50 genes. genset <- sapply(1:100,function(x) paste("Gene",x)) subsetgenes <- sort(sapply(sample(1:100,50),function(x) paste("Gene",x))) index <- which(genset%in%subsetgenes) pvals50 <- rbeta(50,1,6) #Returns the group set for the subset based on the indices of #the variables in entire genset. PvGroupsetSubset <- createGroupset(pvals50, index=index, decreasing=FALSE,uniform=TRUE, ngroup=5) #append list with group containing the covariate indices for missing p-values PvGroupsetSubset <- c(PvGroupsetSubset, list("missing"=which(!(genset%in%subsetgenes)))) #EXAMPLE 5: COMBINING GROUP SETS #Combines group sets into one list with named components. #This can be used as input for the ecpc() function. GroupsetsAll <- list(signature=SignatureGroupset, type = TypeGroupset, pval = PvGroupset, pvalsubset=PvGroupsetSubset) #NOTE: if one aims to use one group set only, then this should also be # provided in a list as input for the ecpc() function. GroupsetsOne <- list(signature=SignatureGroupset)
#SOME EXAMPLES ON SMALL NR OF VARIABLES #EXAMPLE 1: group set based on known gene signature (boolean vector) genset <- sapply(1:100,function(x) paste("Gene",x)) signature <- sapply(seq(1,100,by=2),function(x) paste("Gene",x)) SignatureGroupset <- createGroupset(genset%in%signature) #boolean vector #EXAMPLE 2: group set based on factor variable Genetype <- factor(sapply(rep(1:4,25),function(x) paste("Type",x))) TypeGroupset <- createGroupset(Genetype) #EXAMPLE 3: group set based on continuous variable, e.g. p-value pvals <- rbeta(100,1,4) #Creating a group set of 10 equally-sized groups, corresponding to increasing p-values. PvGroupset <- createGroupset(pvals, decreasing=FALSE,uniform=TRUE,ngroup=10) #Alternatively, create a group set of 5 unequally-sized groups, #with minimal size at least 10. Group size #increases with less relevant p-values. # Recommended when nr of variables is large. PvGroupset2 <- createGroupset(pvals, decreasing=FALSE,uniform=FALSE, ngroup=5,minGroupSize=10) #EXAMPLE 4: group set based on subset of variables, #e.g. p-values only available for 50 genes. genset <- sapply(1:100,function(x) paste("Gene",x)) subsetgenes <- sort(sapply(sample(1:100,50),function(x) paste("Gene",x))) index <- which(genset%in%subsetgenes) pvals50 <- rbeta(50,1,6) #Returns the group set for the subset based on the indices of #the variables in entire genset. PvGroupsetSubset <- createGroupset(pvals50, index=index, decreasing=FALSE,uniform=TRUE, ngroup=5) #append list with group containing the covariate indices for missing p-values PvGroupsetSubset <- c(PvGroupsetSubset, list("missing"=which(!(genset%in%subsetgenes)))) #EXAMPLE 5: COMBINING GROUP SETS #Combines group sets into one list with named components. #This can be used as input for the ecpc() function. GroupsetsAll <- list(signature=SignatureGroupset, type = TypeGroupset, pval = PvGroupset, pvalsubset=PvGroupsetSubset) #NOTE: if one aims to use one group set only, then this should also be # provided in a list as input for the ecpc() function. GroupsetsOne <- list(signature=SignatureGroupset)
Create a generalised penalty matrix which can be used as hypershrinkage for co-data matrix Z.
createS(orderPen=2, G=10, categorical=FALSE)
createS(orderPen=2, G=10, categorical=FALSE)
orderPen |
The order of the difference penalty. If 0, then a ridge penalty matrix is returned. |
G |
Number of co-data variables to be penalised. |
categorical |
If TRUE, a block correlation matrix is returned. |
A (GxG)-dimensional penalty matrix.
See for an introduction on p-splines and difference penalties:
Eilers, P. H., & Marx, B. D. (2021). Practical Smoothing: The Joys of P-splines. Cambridge University Press.
A difference penalty may be applied for p-spline basis functions created with createZforSplines
or for categorical co-data created with createZforGroupset
S1 <- createS(orderPen=2,G=10) #second difference penalty matrix S2 <- createS(orderPen=0,G=10) #zeroth order defined as ridge penalty matrix S3 <- createS(G=10,categorical=TRUE) #difference penalty for unordered categorical groups
S1 <- createS(orderPen=2,G=10) #second difference penalty matrix S2 <- createS(orderPen=0,G=10) #zeroth order defined as ridge penalty matrix S3 <- createS(G=10,categorical=TRUE) #difference penalty for unordered categorical groups
Create a co-data matrix Z for a group set as obtained for instance with createGroupset.
groupset |
A list with G elements that contain the indices of the variables belonging to each of the groups. |
p |
Number of covariates in total. If not given, taken as maximum index in ‘groupset’. But in cases where some covariates are left unpenalised, the total number of covariates may be larger. |
A (pxG)-dimensional co-data matrix.
#Group set: G random groups G <- 5 #number of groups p <- 300 #number of covariates from which last 10 left unpenalised #sample random categorical co-data: categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,(p-10),TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) Zcat <- createZforGroupset(groupsetRandom,p=p)
#Group set: G random groups G <- 5 #number of groups p <- 300 #number of covariates from which last 10 left unpenalised #sample random categorical co-data: categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,(p-10),TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) Zcat <- createZforGroupset(groupsetRandom,p=p)
Create a co-data matrix Z of spline basis functions for a continuous co-data variable.
createZforSplines(values, G=10, bdeg=3, index=NULL, p=NULL)
createZforSplines(values, G=10, bdeg=3, index=NULL, p=NULL)
values |
A vector with continuous co-data values. |
G |
Number of B-splines. |
bdeg |
Degree of the B-spline basis functions. |
index |
Index of the covariates corresponding to the values supplied. Useful when part of the co-data is missing/seperated and only the non-missing/remaining part should be modelled with splines. |
p |
Number of covariates in total. If not given, taken as length of ‘values’. But in cases where some covariates are left unpenalised, the total number of covariates may be larger. |
A (pxG)-dimensional co-data matrix.
See for an introduction on p-splines:
Eilers, P. H., & Marx, B. D. (2021). Practical Smoothing: The Joys of P-splines. Cambridge University Press.
Use createS
to create a difference penalty for p-splines.
#create co-data with random normally distributed values for 100 covariates values <- rnorm(n=100) #suppose that there is one additional covariate (the first) that should not be modelled ind <- 2:101 p<-101 Z <- createZforSplines(values=values,G=10,index=ind,p=p)
#create co-data with random normally distributed values for 100 covariates values <- rnorm(n=100) #suppose that there is one additional covariate (the first) that should not be modelled ind <- 2:101 p<-101 Z <- createZforSplines(values=values,G=10,index=ind,p=p)
Cross-validates 'ecpc' and returns model fit, summary statistics and cross-validated performance measures.
cv.ecpc(Y,X,type.measure=c("MSE","AUC"),outerfolds=10, lambdas=NULL,ncores=1,balance=TRUE,silent=FALSE,...)
cv.ecpc(Y,X,type.measure=c("MSE","AUC"),outerfolds=10, lambdas=NULL,ncores=1,balance=TRUE,silent=FALSE,...)
Y |
Response data; n-dimensional vector (n: number of samples) for linear and logistic outcomes, or |
X |
Observed data; (nxp)-dimensional matrix (p: number of covariates) with each row the observed high-dimensional feature vector of a sample. |
type.measure |
Type of cross-validated performance measure returned. |
outerfolds |
Number of cross-validation folds. |
lambdas |
A vector of global ridge penalties for each fold; may be given, else estimated. |
ncores |
Number of cores; if larger than 1, the outer cross-validation folds are processed in parallel over 'ncores' clusters. |
balance |
(logistic, Cox) Should folds be balanced in response? |
silent |
Should output messages be suppressed (default FALSE)? |
... |
Additional arguments used in |
A list with the following elements:
ecpc.fit |
List with the ecpc model fit in each fold. |
dfPred |
Data frame with information about out-of-bag predictions. |
dfGrps |
Data frame with information about estimated group and group set weights across folds. |
dfCVM |
Data frame with cross-validated performance metric. |
Visualise cross-validated group set weights with visualiseGroupsetweights
or group weights with visualiseGroupweights
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ########################## # Make co-data group sets # ########################## #Group set: G random groups G <- 5 #number of groups #sample random categorical co-data: categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,p,TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups: groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) ####################### # Cross-validate ecpc # ####################### tic<-proc.time()[[3]] cv.fit <- cv.ecpc(type.measure="MSE",outerfolds=2, Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd, groupsets=list(groupsetRandom), groupsets.grouplvl=list(NULL), hypershrinkage=c("none"), model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20)) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic str(cv.fit$ecpc.fit) #list containing the model fits on the folds str(cv.fit$dfPred) #data frame containing information on the predictions cv.fit$dfCVM #data frame with the cross-validated performance for ecpc #with/without posterior selection and ordinary ridge
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ########################## # Make co-data group sets # ########################## #Group set: G random groups G <- 5 #number of groups #sample random categorical co-data: categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,p,TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups: groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) ####################### # Cross-validate ecpc # ####################### tic<-proc.time()[[3]] cv.fit <- cv.ecpc(type.measure="MSE",outerfolds=2, Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd, groupsets=list(groupsetRandom), groupsets.grouplvl=list(NULL), hypershrinkage=c("none"), model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20)) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic str(cv.fit$ecpc.fit) #list containing the model fits on the folds str(cv.fit$dfPred) #data frame containing information on the predictions cv.fit$dfCVM #data frame with the cross-validated performance for ecpc #with/without posterior selection and ordinary ridge
Fits a generalised linear (linear, logistic) or Cox survival model, penalised with adaptive co-data learnt ridge penalties. The ridge penalties correspond to normal prior variances which are regressed on (multiple) co-data sources, e.g. for categorical co-data, each group of variables obtains a group-specific ridge penalty. Co-data weights are estimated with an empirical Bayes method of moments, penalised with an extra level of hypershrinkage and possibly constrained by linear constraints. Various types of hypershrinkage may be used for various co-data, including overlapping groups, hierarchical groups and continuous co-data. P-splines may be used to estimate the relation between the prior variance and continuous co-data variables. This may be combined with linear constraints to estimate shape-constrained functions.
ecpc(Y, X, Z=NULL, paraPen=NULL, paraCon=NULL, intrcpt.bam=TRUE, bam.method="ML", groupsets=NULL, groupsets.grouplvl = NULL, hypershrinkage=NULL, unpen = NULL, intrcpt = TRUE, model=c("linear","logistic","cox"), postselection = "elnet,dense", maxsel = 10, lambda = NULL, fold = 10, sigmasq = NaN, w = NULL, nsplits = 100, weights = TRUE, profplotRSS = FALSE, Y2 = NULL, X2 = NULL, compare = TRUE, mu = FALSE, normalise = FALSE, silent = FALSE, datablocks = NULL, est_beta_method=c("glmnet","multiridge"))
ecpc(Y, X, Z=NULL, paraPen=NULL, paraCon=NULL, intrcpt.bam=TRUE, bam.method="ML", groupsets=NULL, groupsets.grouplvl = NULL, hypershrinkage=NULL, unpen = NULL, intrcpt = TRUE, model=c("linear","logistic","cox"), postselection = "elnet,dense", maxsel = 10, lambda = NULL, fold = 10, sigmasq = NaN, w = NULL, nsplits = 100, weights = TRUE, profplotRSS = FALSE, Y2 = NULL, X2 = NULL, compare = TRUE, mu = FALSE, normalise = FALSE, silent = FALSE, datablocks = NULL, est_beta_method=c("glmnet","multiridge"))
Y |
Response data; n-dimensional vector (n: number of samples) for linear and logistic outcomes, or |
X |
Observed data; (nxp)-dimensional matrix (p: number of covariates) with each row the observed high-dimensional feature vector of a sample. |
Z |
List with m co-data matrices. Each element is a (pxG)-dimensional co-data matrix containing co-data on the p variables. Co-data should either be provided in ‘Z’ or ‘groupsets’. |
paraPen |
A list with generalised ridge penalty matrices used as hypershrinkage in estimating co-data weights, e.g. |
paraCon |
A list with linear inequality and or equality constraints used in estimating co-data weights, e.g. |
intrcpt.bam |
Should an intercept be included in the co-data model?
Is used only when ‘Z’ is provided, for which the function |
bam.method |
When ‘Z’ is provided, ‘bam.method’ indicates the method used in |
groupsets |
Co-data group sets; list with m (m: number of group sets) group sets. Each group set is a list of all groups in that set. Each group is a vector containing the indices of the covariates in that group. |
groupsets.grouplvl |
(optional) Group sets on group level used in hypershrinkage; list of m elements (corresponding to 'groupsets'), with NULL if there is no structure on group level, or with a list of groups containing the indices of groups of covariates in that group. May be used for hierarchical groups and to adaptively discretise continuous co-data, see |
hypershrinkage |
Type of shrinkage that is used on the group level; vector of m strings indicating the shrinkage type (or penalty) that is used for each of the m group sets. String may be of the simple form "type1", or "type1,type2", in which type1 is used to select groups and type2 to estimate the group weights of the selected groups. Possible hypershrinkage types are: c("none","ridge","lasso","hierLasso","lasso,ridge","hierLasso,ridge"); "none" for no hypershrinkage, "ridge" (default), "lasso" and "hierLasso" (hierarchical lasso using a latent overlapping group lasso penalty) for group selection possibly be combined with ridge shrinkage. |
unpen |
Unpenalised covariates; vector with indices of covariates that should not be penalised. |
intrcpt |
Should an intercept be included? Included by default for linear and logistic, excluded for Cox for which the baseline hazard is estimated. |
model |
Type of model for the response; linear, logistic or cox. |
postselection |
Type of posterior selection method used to obtain a parsimonious model of maxsel covariates, or FALSE if no parsimonious model is needed. Possible options are "elnet,dense" (default), "elnet,sparse", "BRmarginal,dense", "BRmarginal,sparse" or "DSS". |
maxsel |
Maximum number of covariates to be selected a posteriori, in addition to all unpenalised covariates. If maxsel is a vector, multiple parsimonious models are returned. |
lambda |
Global ridge penalty; if given, numeric value to fix the global ridge penalty and equivalently, the global prior variance. When not given, for linear, by default "ML" is used for estimation for maximum marginal likelihood estimation and "CV" for other models for cross-validation. |
fold |
Number of folds used in inner cross-validation to estimate global ridge penalty lambda. |
sigmasq |
(linear model only) If given, noise level is fixed (Y~N(X*beta,sd=sqrt(sigmasq))). |
w |
Group set weights: m-dimensional vector. If given, group set weights are fixed. |
nsplits |
Number of splits used in the Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) criterion to estimate the optimal hyperlambda. |
weights |
Should weights be used in hypershrinkage to correct for group size (default TRUE)? |
profplotRSS |
Should a profile plot of the residual sum of squares (RSS) criterium be shown? |
Y2 |
(optional) Independent response data to compare with predicted response. |
X2 |
(optional) Independent observed data for which response is predicted. |
compare |
Should an ordinary ridge model be fitted to compare with? |
mu |
Should group prior means be included (default FALSE)? |
normalise |
Should group variances be normalised to sum to 1 (default FALSE)? |
silent |
Should output messages be suppressed (default FALSE)? |
datablocks |
(optional) for multiple data types, the corresponding blocks of data may be given in datablocks; a list of B vectors of the indices of covariates in ‘X’ that belong to each of the B data blocks. Unpenalised covariates should not be given as seperate block, but can be omitted or included in blocks with penalised covariates. Each datatype obtains a datatype-specific ‘tauglobal’ as in multiridge. |
est_beta_method |
Package used for estimating regression coefficients, either "glmnet" or "multiridge". |
The response is modeled with a generalised linear model with variance . For the linear model,
is the error variance parameter. For the logistic and Cox model,
The regression coefficients are independently modeled with a normal prior with prior variance
regressed on (possibly multiple sources of) co-data
with the global scaling parameter, the scalar
the importance weight of co-data set
the co-data matrix for source d and
the vector of co-data variable weights of source
Co-data and hypershrinkage input:
Co-data should be provided in a list of co-data matrices given in argument 'Z' or in a list of group sets given in 'groupsets'. The latter may be used only for (overlapping) groups of variables, whereas the first may be used for continuous co-data too. In most cases, providing co-data in 'Z' is faster, so users may want to transform co-data from a group set to a co-data matrix with createZforGroupset
The co-data variable weights are estimated with an extra level of hypershrinkage, i.e. with a penalised estimator (see below). The type of hypershrinkage may differ per co-data source. Providing these types depends on whether the co-data is provided in 'Z' or 'groupsets'. When co-data is provided in 'Z', the hypershrinkage may be provided in the arguments 'paraPen', 'paraCon', 'intrcpt.bam' and 'bam.method' (second line above in usage). When co-data is provided in 'groupsets', the hypershrinkage may be provided in the arguments 'groupsets.grouplvl' and 'hypershrinkage' (third line above in usage).
The regression coefficients are estimated by maximising the penalised likelihood (equiv. maximum a posteriori estimate) for estimated prior parameters:
The prior parameters are estimated from the data using an empirical Bayes approach; is estimated by maximising the marginal likelihood (linear, default, jointly optimised with
) or by cross-validation (linear, logistic, Cox).
is estimated per co-data source by finding the minimum (penalised) least squares solution corresponding to the marginal moment equations:
with some penalty function ('hypershrinkage', see below) depending on hyperpenalty parameter
Co-data weights
are estimated with a similar, unpenalised marginal moment estimator.
'ecpc' is the first implementation of marginal moment estimation with the additional layer of hypershrinkage. Moment-based estimates without hypershrinkage have been implemented in the R-package 'GRridge'.
For co-data provided in the argument 'Z', a generalised ridge penalty may be used of the type:
with the penalty matrix possibly a sum of multiple penalty matrices and given in argument 'paraPen'.
Additionally, linear (in)equality constraints may be added with the argument 'paraCon', i.e. the least squares estimate is subject to
For co-data provided in the argument 'groupsets', the types of hypershrinkage include the ridge penalty (), lasso penalty (
) and hierarchical lasso penalty with hierarchy defined in 'groupsets.grouplvl'.
An object of the class ‘ecpc’ with the following elements:
beta |
Estimated regression coefficients; p-dimensional vector. |
intercept |
If included, the estimated intercept; scalar. |
tauglobal |
Estimated global prior variance; scalar (or vector with datatype-specific global prior variances when multiple ‘datablocks’ are given).) |
gammatilde |
Estimated group weights before truncating negative weights to 0; vector of dimension the total number of groups. |
gamma |
Final estimated group weights; vector of dimension the total number of groups. |
gamma0 |
Estimated co-data variable intercept; scalar. |
w |
Estimated group set weights; m-dimensional vector. |
penalties |
Estimated multi-group ridge penalties; p-dimensional vector. |
hyperlambdas |
Estimated hyperpenalty parameters used in hypershrinkage; m-dimensional vector. |
Ypred |
If independent test set 'X2' is given, predictions for the test set. |
MSEecpc |
If independent test set 'X2', 'Y2' is given, mean squared error of the predictions. |
sigmahat |
(linear model) Estimated sigma^2. |
If 'compare'=TRUE, ordinary ridge estimates and predictions are given. If in addition multiple ‘datablocks’ are given, the estimates and predictions for multiridge penalty are given;
model |
Type of model fitted for the response; linear, logistic or cox. |
betaridge |
Estimated regression coefficients for ordinary ridge (or multiridge) penalty. |
interceptridge |
Estimated intercept for ordinary ridge (or multiridge) penalty. |
lambdaridge |
Estimated (multi)ridge penalty. |
Ypredridge |
If independent test set 'X2' is given, ordinary ridge (or multiridge) predictions for the test set. |
MSEridge |
If independent test set 'X2', 'Y2' is given, mean squared error of the ordinary ridge (or multiridge) predictions. |
If posterior selection is performed;
betaPost |
Estimated regression coefficients for parsimonious models. If 'maxsel' is a vector, 'betaPost' is a matrix with each column the vector estimate corresponding to the maximum number of selected covariates given in 'maxsel'. |
interceptPost |
Estimated intercept coefficient for parsimonious models. |
YpredPost |
If independent test set 'X2' is given, posterior selection model predictions for the test set. |
MSEPost |
If independent test set 'X2', 'Y2' is given, mean squared error of the posterior selection model predictions. |
Mirrelijn van Nee, Lodewyk Wessels, Mark van de Wiel
van Nee, Mirrelijn M., Lodewyk FA Wessels, and Mark A. van de Wiel. "Flexible co-data learning for high-dimensional prediction." Statistics in medicine 40.26 (2021): 5910-5925.
van de Wiel, Mark A., Mirrelijn M. van Nee, and Armin Rauschenberger. "Fast cross-validation for multi-penalty high-dimensional ridge regression." Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 30.4 (2021): 835-847.
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ################################### # Provide co-data in group sets.. # ################################### #Group set 1: G random groups G <- 5 #number of groups #sample random categorical co-data: categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,p,TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups: groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) #Group set 2: informative hierarchical group set continuousCodata <- abs(Dat$beta) #use the magnitude of beta as continuous co-data #Use adaptive discretisation to find a good discretisation of the continuous co-data; # discretise in groups of covariates of various sizes: groupsetHierarchical <- splitMedian(values=continuousCodata,index = 1:p, minGroupSize = 50,split="both") # and obtain group set on group level that defines the hierarchy: hierarchy.grouplevel <- obtainHierarchy(groupset = groupsetHierarchical) #visualise hierarchical groups: #visualiseGroupset(Groupset = groupsetHierarchical,groupset.grouplvl = hierarchy.grouplevel) ############################ # ..or in co-data matrices # ############################ #Setting 1: some transformations of informative, continuous co-data Z1 <- cbind(continuousCodata,sqrt(continuousCodata)) #setting 2: splines for informative continuous Z2 <- createZforSplines(values=continuousCodata) S1.Z2 <- createS(orderPen=2, G=dim(Z2)[2]) #create difference penalty matrix Con2 <- createCon(G=dim(Z2)[2], shape="positive+monotone.i") #create constraints #setting 3: 5 random groups Z3 <- createZforGroupset(groupsetRandom,p=p) S1.Z3 <- createS(G=G, categorical = TRUE) #create difference penalty matrix Con3 <- createCon(G=dim(Z3)[2], shape="positive") #create constraints ############################ # Fit ecpc on group sets.. # ############################ #fit ecpc for the two group sets, with ridge hypershrinkage for group set 1, # and hierarchical lasso and ridge for group set 2. tic<-proc.time()[[3]] fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd,groupsets=list(groupsetRandom,groupsetHierarchical), groupsets.grouplvl=list(NULL,hierarchy.grouplevel), hypershrinkage=c("ridge","hierLasso,ridge"), model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic fit$tauglobal #estimated global prior variance fit$gamma #estimated group weights (concatenated for the group sets) fit$w #estimated group set weights summary(fit$beta) #estimated regression coefficients summary(fit$betaPost) #estimated regression coefficients after posterior selection c(fit$MSEecpc,fit$MSEridge) #mean squared error on test set for ecpc and ordinary ridge fit$MSEPost #MSE on the test set of ecpc after posterior selection ############################ # ..or on co-data matrices # ############################ #fit ecpc for the three co-data matrices with following penalty matrices and constraints #note: can also be fitted without paraPen and/or paraCon Z.all <- list(Z1=Z1,Z2=Z2,Z3=Z3) paraPen.all <- list(Z2=list(S1=S1.Z2), Z3=list(S1=S1.Z3)) paraCon <- list(Z2=Con2, Z3=Con3) tic<-proc.time()[[3]] fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd, Z = Z.all, paraPen = paraPen.all, paraCon = paraCon, model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic fit$tauglobal #estimated global prior variance fit$gamma #estimated group weights (concatenated for the co-data sources) fit$gamma0 #estimated co-data intercept #plot contribution of one co-data source i <-1 groupsetNO <- c(unlist(sapply(1:length(Z.all),function(i) rep(i,dim(Z.all[[i]])[2])))) vk <- as.vector(Z.all[[i]]%*%fit$gamma[groupsetNO==i])*fit$tauglobal plot(continuousCodata,vk) summary(fit$beta) #estimated regression coefficients summary(fit$betaPost) #estimated regression coefficients after posterior selection c(fit$MSEecpc,fit$MSEridge) #mean squared error on test set for ecpc and ordinary ridge fit$MSEPost #MSE on the test set of ecpc after posterior selection ################################### # Fit ecpc for multiple datatypes # ################################### rankBeta<-order(abs(Dat$beta)) #betas ranked in order of magnitude #with multiple datatypes (given in datablocks) and informative groups fit2 <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd[,rankBeta],groupsets=list(list(1:75,76:150,151:225,226:300)), groupsets.grouplvl=list(NULL), hypershrinkage=c("none"), model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd[,rankBeta], datablocks = list(1:floor(p/2),(floor(p/2)+1):p))
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ################################### # Provide co-data in group sets.. # ################################### #Group set 1: G random groups G <- 5 #number of groups #sample random categorical co-data: categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,p,TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups: groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) #Group set 2: informative hierarchical group set continuousCodata <- abs(Dat$beta) #use the magnitude of beta as continuous co-data #Use adaptive discretisation to find a good discretisation of the continuous co-data; # discretise in groups of covariates of various sizes: groupsetHierarchical <- splitMedian(values=continuousCodata,index = 1:p, minGroupSize = 50,split="both") # and obtain group set on group level that defines the hierarchy: hierarchy.grouplevel <- obtainHierarchy(groupset = groupsetHierarchical) #visualise hierarchical groups: #visualiseGroupset(Groupset = groupsetHierarchical,groupset.grouplvl = hierarchy.grouplevel) ############################ # ..or in co-data matrices # ############################ #Setting 1: some transformations of informative, continuous co-data Z1 <- cbind(continuousCodata,sqrt(continuousCodata)) #setting 2: splines for informative continuous Z2 <- createZforSplines(values=continuousCodata) S1.Z2 <- createS(orderPen=2, G=dim(Z2)[2]) #create difference penalty matrix Con2 <- createCon(G=dim(Z2)[2], shape="positive+monotone.i") #create constraints #setting 3: 5 random groups Z3 <- createZforGroupset(groupsetRandom,p=p) S1.Z3 <- createS(G=G, categorical = TRUE) #create difference penalty matrix Con3 <- createCon(G=dim(Z3)[2], shape="positive") #create constraints ############################ # Fit ecpc on group sets.. # ############################ #fit ecpc for the two group sets, with ridge hypershrinkage for group set 1, # and hierarchical lasso and ridge for group set 2. tic<-proc.time()[[3]] fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd,groupsets=list(groupsetRandom,groupsetHierarchical), groupsets.grouplvl=list(NULL,hierarchy.grouplevel), hypershrinkage=c("ridge","hierLasso,ridge"), model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic fit$tauglobal #estimated global prior variance fit$gamma #estimated group weights (concatenated for the group sets) fit$w #estimated group set weights summary(fit$beta) #estimated regression coefficients summary(fit$betaPost) #estimated regression coefficients after posterior selection c(fit$MSEecpc,fit$MSEridge) #mean squared error on test set for ecpc and ordinary ridge fit$MSEPost #MSE on the test set of ecpc after posterior selection ############################ # ..or on co-data matrices # ############################ #fit ecpc for the three co-data matrices with following penalty matrices and constraints #note: can also be fitted without paraPen and/or paraCon Z.all <- list(Z1=Z1,Z2=Z2,Z3=Z3) paraPen.all <- list(Z2=list(S1=S1.Z2), Z3=list(S1=S1.Z3)) paraCon <- list(Z2=Con2, Z3=Con3) tic<-proc.time()[[3]] fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd, Z = Z.all, paraPen = paraPen.all, paraCon = paraCon, model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic fit$tauglobal #estimated global prior variance fit$gamma #estimated group weights (concatenated for the co-data sources) fit$gamma0 #estimated co-data intercept #plot contribution of one co-data source i <-1 groupsetNO <- c(unlist(sapply(1:length(Z.all),function(i) rep(i,dim(Z.all[[i]])[2])))) vk <- as.vector(Z.all[[i]]%*%fit$gamma[groupsetNO==i])*fit$tauglobal plot(continuousCodata,vk) summary(fit$beta) #estimated regression coefficients summary(fit$betaPost) #estimated regression coefficients after posterior selection c(fit$MSEecpc,fit$MSEridge) #mean squared error on test set for ecpc and ordinary ridge fit$MSEPost #MSE on the test set of ecpc after posterior selection ################################### # Fit ecpc for multiple datatypes # ################################### rankBeta<-order(abs(Dat$beta)) #betas ranked in order of magnitude #with multiple datatypes (given in datablocks) and informative groups fit2 <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd[,rankBeta],groupsets=list(list(1:75,76:150,151:225,226:300)), groupsets.grouplvl=list(NULL), hypershrinkage=c("none"), model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd[,rankBeta], datablocks = list(1:floor(p/2),(floor(p/2)+1):p))
Fits a linear regression model penalised with a hierarchical lasso penalty, using a latent overlapping group (LOG) lasso penalty.
hierarchicalLasso(X, Y, groupset, lambda=NULL)
hierarchicalLasso(X, Y, groupset, lambda=NULL)
X |
nxp matrix with observed data |
Y |
nx1 vector with response data |
groupset |
list with hierarchical group indices |
lambda |
Scalar. Penalty parameter for the latent overlapping group penalty. |
The LOG penalty can be used to impose hierarchical constraints in the estimation of regression coefficients (Yan, Bien et al. 2007), e.g. a group of covariates (child node in the hierarchical tree) may be selected only if another group is selected (parent node in the hierarchical tree). This function uses the simple implementation for the LOG penalty described in (Jacob, Obozinski and Vert, 2009). Faster and more scalable algorithms may be available but not yet used in this pacakage.
A list with the following elements;
betas |
Estimated regression coefficients. |
a0 |
Estimated intercept. |
lambdarange |
Range of penalty parameter used for CV (if lambda was not given). |
lambda |
Estimated penalty parameter. |
group.weights |
Fixed group weights used in the LOG-penalty. |
Yan, X., Bien, J. et al. (2017). Hierarchical sparse modeling: A choice of two group lasso formulations. Statistical Science 32 531-560.
Jacob, L., Obozinski, G. and Vert, J.-P. (2009). Group lasso with overlap and graph lasso. In: Proceedings of the 26th annual international conference on machine learning 433-440. ACM.
# Simulate toy data p<-60 #number of covariates n<-30 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-c(0,0) #prior mean varBeta<-c(0.0001,0.1) #prior variance #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) indT1<-rep(c(1,2),each=p/2) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients #hierarchical grouping: e.g. covariates (p/4+1):(p/2) can only be selected when #covariates 1:(p/4) are selected groupset <- list(1:(p/2),(p/2+1):p,1:(p/4),(3*p/4+1):p) #Fit hierarchical lasso, perform CV to find optimal lambda penalty res <- hierarchicalLasso(X=Dat$Xctd,Y=Dat$Y,groupset = groupset ) res$lambdarange plot(res$betas) #Fit hierarchical lasso for fixed lambda res2 <- hierarchicalLasso(X=Dat$Xctd,Y=Dat$Y,groupset = groupset,lambda=res$lambdarange[2] ) plot(res2$betas)
# Simulate toy data p<-60 #number of covariates n<-30 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-c(0,0) #prior mean varBeta<-c(0.0001,0.1) #prior variance #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) indT1<-rep(c(1,2),each=p/2) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients #hierarchical grouping: e.g. covariates (p/4+1):(p/2) can only be selected when #covariates 1:(p/4) are selected groupset <- list(1:(p/2),(p/2+1):p,1:(p/4),(3*p/4+1):p) #Fit hierarchical lasso, perform CV to find optimal lambda penalty res <- hierarchicalLasso(X=Dat$Xctd,Y=Dat$Y,groupset = groupset ) res$lambdarange plot(res$betas) #Fit hierarchical lasso for fixed lambda res2 <- hierarchicalLasso(X=Dat$Xctd,Y=Dat$Y,groupset = groupset,lambda=res$lambdarange[2] ) plot(res2$betas)
This function obtains the group set on group level that defines the hierarchy; if a group of covariates g is a subset of group h, then group h is an ancestor of group g (higher up in the hierarchy). This hierarchy is used in adaptively discretising continuous co-data.
obtainHierarchy(groupset, penalty = "LOG")
obtainHierarchy(groupset, penalty = "LOG")
groupset |
Group set of groups of covariates with nested groups. |
penalty |
Default: "LOG" for a latent overlapping group approach (currently the only option in ecpc) |
We use the latent overlapping group (LOG) lasso penalty to define the hierarchical constraints as described in (Yan, Bien et al. 2007); for each group g of covariates, we make a group on group level with group number g and the group numbers of its ancestors in the hierarchical tree. This way, group g can be selected if and only if all its ancestors are selected. This function assumes that if group g is a subset of group h, then group h is an ancestor of group g. Note that this assumption does not necessarily hold for all hierarchies. The group set on group level should then be coded manually.
A group set on group level defining the hierarchy.
Yan, X., Bien, J. et al. (2017). Hierarchical sparse modeling: A choice of two group lasso formulations. Statistical Science 32 531-560.
to obtain a group set of nested groups for continuous co-data.
cont.codata <- seq(0,1,length.out=20) #continuous co-data #only split at lower continous co-data group groupset <- splitMedian(values=cont.codata,split="lower",minGroupSize=5) #obtain groups on group level defining the hierarchy groupset.grouplvl <- obtainHierarchy(groupset)
cont.codata <- seq(0,1,length.out=20) #continuous co-data #only split at lower continous co-data group groupset <- splitMedian(values=cont.codata,split="lower",minGroupSize=5) #obtain groups on group level defining the hierarchy groupset.grouplvl <- obtainHierarchy(groupset)
Make a plot of the fitted regression coefficients versus their corresponding fitted prior variances, or fit the prior variance weight contribution of each co-data source.
## S3 method for class 'ecpc' plot(x, show = c("coefficients", "priorweights"), Z = NULL, values = NULL, groupsets = NULL, codataweights=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ecpc' plot(x, show = c("coefficients", "priorweights"), Z = NULL, values = NULL, groupsets = NULL, codataweights=FALSE, ...)
x |
An 'ecpc' object returned by |
show |
Either "coefficients" or "priorweights" to show the fitted regression coefficients or the prior variances. To plot the prior variances, co-data should be provided in either 'Z' or 'groupsets'. |
Z |
List of m co-data matrices, as in |
values |
List of m elements, containing p-dimensinal vectors with continuous co-data values or NULL. If provided, the prior variances will be plotted versus the provided continuous co-data. If NULL, the prior variances will be plotted per co-data variable. |
groupsets |
Co-data provided as list of group sets, as in |
codataweights |
For the option ‘show="priorweights"’, should the prior variances include the co-data source weights? |
... |
... |
If the packages ‘ggplot2’ and ‘ggpubr’ are installed, a ‘ggplot’ object is shown and returned, else a base plot is shown.
See ecpc
for model fitting.
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ################### # Provide co-data # ################### continuousCodata <- abs(Dat$beta) Z1 <- cbind(continuousCodata,sqrt(continuousCodata)) #setting 2: splines for informative continuous Z2 <- createZforSplines(values=continuousCodata) S1.Z2 <- createS(orderPen=2, G=dim(Z2)[2]) #create difference penalty matrix Con2 <- createCon(G=dim(Z2)[2], shape="positive+monotone.i") #create constraints #setting 3: 5 random groups G <- 5 categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,p,TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups: groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) Z3 <- createZforGroupset(groupsetRandom,p=p) S1.Z3 <- createS(G=G, categorical = TRUE) #create difference penalty matrix Con3 <- createCon(G=dim(Z3)[2], shape="positive") #create constraints #fit ecpc for the three co-data matrices with following penalty matrices and constraints #note: can also be fitted without paraPen and/or paraCon Z.all <- list(Z1=Z1,Z2=Z2,Z3=Z3) paraPen.all <- list(Z2=list(S1=S1.Z2), Z3=list(S1=S1.Z3)) paraCon <- list(Z2=Con2, Z3=Con3) ############ # Fit ecpc # ############ tic<-proc.time()[[3]] fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd, Z = Z.all, paraPen = paraPen.all, paraCon = paraCon, model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic values <- list(NULL, continuousCodata, NULL) plot(fit, show="coefficients") plot(fit, show="priorweights", Z=Z.all, values=values)
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ################### # Provide co-data # ################### continuousCodata <- abs(Dat$beta) Z1 <- cbind(continuousCodata,sqrt(continuousCodata)) #setting 2: splines for informative continuous Z2 <- createZforSplines(values=continuousCodata) S1.Z2 <- createS(orderPen=2, G=dim(Z2)[2]) #create difference penalty matrix Con2 <- createCon(G=dim(Z2)[2], shape="positive+monotone.i") #create constraints #setting 3: 5 random groups G <- 5 categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,p,TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups: groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) Z3 <- createZforGroupset(groupsetRandom,p=p) S1.Z3 <- createS(G=G, categorical = TRUE) #create difference penalty matrix Con3 <- createCon(G=dim(Z3)[2], shape="positive") #create constraints #fit ecpc for the three co-data matrices with following penalty matrices and constraints #note: can also be fitted without paraPen and/or paraCon Z.all <- list(Z1=Z1,Z2=Z2,Z3=Z3) paraPen.all <- list(Z2=list(S1=S1.Z2), Z3=list(S1=S1.Z3)) paraCon <- list(Z2=Con2, Z3=Con3) ############ # Fit ecpc # ############ tic<-proc.time()[[3]] fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd, Z = Z.all, paraPen = paraPen.all, paraCon = paraCon, model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic values <- list(NULL, continuousCodata, NULL) plot(fit, show="coefficients") plot(fit, show="priorweights", Z=Z.all, values=values)
Given data and estimated parameters from a previously fit multi-group ridge penalised model, perform posterior selection to find a parsimonious model.
postSelect(object, X, Y, beta=NULL, intrcpt = 0, penfctr=NULL, postselection = c("elnet,dense","elnet,sparse","BRmarginal,dense", "BRmarginal,sparse","DSS"), maxsel = 30, penalties=NULL, model=c("linear","logistic","cox"), tauglobal=NULL, sigmahat = NULL, muhatp = 0, X2 = NULL, Y2 = NULL, silent=FALSE)
postSelect(object, X, Y, beta=NULL, intrcpt = 0, penfctr=NULL, postselection = c("elnet,dense","elnet,sparse","BRmarginal,dense", "BRmarginal,sparse","DSS"), maxsel = 30, penalties=NULL, model=c("linear","logistic","cox"), tauglobal=NULL, sigmahat = NULL, muhatp = 0, X2 = NULL, Y2 = NULL, silent=FALSE)
object |
An 'ecpc' object returned by |
X |
Observed data: data of p penalised and unpenalised covariates on n samples; (nxp)-dimensional matrix. |
Y |
Response data; n-dimensional vector (linear, logistic) or |
beta |
Estimated regression coefficients from the previously fit model. |
intrcpt |
Estimated intercept from the previously fit model. |
penfctr |
As in glmnet penalty.factor; p-dimensional vector with a 0 if covariate is not penalised, 1 if covariate is penalised. |
postselection |
Posterior selection method to be used. |
maxsel |
Maximum number of covariates to be selected a posteriori, in addition to all unpenalised covariates. If maxsel is a vector, multiple parsimonious models are returned. |
penalties |
Estimated multi-group ridge penalties for all penalised covariates from the previously fit model; vector of length the number of penalised covariates. |
model |
Type of model for the response. |
tauglobal |
Estimated global prior variance from the previously fit model. |
sigmahat |
(linear model only) estimated variance parameter from the previously fit model. |
muhatp |
(optional) Estimated multi-group prior means for the penalised covariates from the previously fit model. |
X2 |
(optional) Independent observed data. |
Y2 |
(optional) Independent response data. |
silent |
Should output messages be suppressed (default FALSE)? |
A list with the following elements:
betaPost |
Estimated regression coefficients for parsimonious models. If 'maxsel' is a vector, 'betaPost' is a matrix with each column the vector estimate corresponding to the maximum number of selected covariates given in 'maxsel'. |
a0 |
Estimated intercept coefficient for parsimonious models. |
YpredPost |
If independent test set 'X2' is given, posterior selection model predictions for the test set. |
MSEPost |
If independent test set 'X2', 'Y2' is given, mean squared error of the posterior selection model predictions. |
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ####################################### # Fit ecpc and perform post-selection # ####################################### fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd,groupsets=list(list(1:p)), groupsets.grouplvl=list(NULL), hypershrinkage=c("none"), model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) fitPost <- postSelect(fit, Y=Dat$Y, X=Dat$Xctd, maxsel = c(5,10,15,20)) summary(fit$betaPost[,1]); summary(fitPost$betaPost[,1])
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ####################################### # Fit ecpc and perform post-selection # ####################################### fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd,groupsets=list(list(1:p)), groupsets.grouplvl=list(NULL), hypershrinkage=c("none"), model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) fitPost <- postSelect(fit, Y=Dat$Y, X=Dat$Xctd, maxsel = c(5,10,15,20)) summary(fit$betaPost[,1]); summary(fitPost$betaPost[,1])
Predict the response for new samples based on an ‘ecpc’ object.
## S3 method for class 'ecpc' predict(object, X2, X=NULL, Y=NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ecpc' predict(object, X2, X=NULL, Y=NULL, ...)
object |
An 'ecpc' object returned by |
X2 |
Independent observed data for which response is predicted. |
X |
Observed data used in fitting the ‘object’; (nxp)-dimensional matrix (p: number of covariates) with each row the observed high-dimensional feature vector of a sample. |
Y |
Response data used in fitting the ‘object’; n-dimensional vector (n: number of samples) for linear and logistic outcomes, or |
... |
Other parameters |
Vector with predicted values. Note that for Cox response, the relative risks are provided, unless training data X and Y is provided to compute the Breslow estimator.
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ################### # Provide co-data # ################### continuousCodata <- abs(Dat$beta) Z1 <- cbind(continuousCodata,sqrt(continuousCodata)) #setting 2: splines for informative continuous Z2 <- createZforSplines(values=continuousCodata) S1.Z2 <- createS(orderPen=2, G=dim(Z2)[2]) #create difference penalty matrix Con2 <- createCon(G=dim(Z2)[2], shape="positive+monotone.i") #create constraints #setting 3: 5 random groups G <- 5 categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,p,TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups: groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) Z3 <- createZforGroupset(groupsetRandom,p=p) S1.Z3 <- createS(G=G, categorical = TRUE) #create difference penalty matrix Con3 <- createCon(G=dim(Z3)[2], shape="positive") #create constraints #fit ecpc for the three co-data matrices with following penalty matrices and constraints #note: can also be fitted without paraPen and/or paraCon Z.all <- list(Z1=Z1,Z2=Z2,Z3=Z3) paraPen.all <- list(Z2=list(S1=S1.Z2), Z3=list(S1=S1.Z3)) paraCon <- list(Z2=Con2, Z3=Con3) ############ # Fit ecpc # ############ tic<-proc.time()[[3]] fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd, Z = Z.all, paraPen = paraPen.all, paraCon = paraCon, model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic predictions <- predict(fit, X2=Dat$X2ctd)
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ################### # Provide co-data # ################### continuousCodata <- abs(Dat$beta) Z1 <- cbind(continuousCodata,sqrt(continuousCodata)) #setting 2: splines for informative continuous Z2 <- createZforSplines(values=continuousCodata) S1.Z2 <- createS(orderPen=2, G=dim(Z2)[2]) #create difference penalty matrix Con2 <- createCon(G=dim(Z2)[2], shape="positive+monotone.i") #create constraints #setting 3: 5 random groups G <- 5 categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,p,TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups: groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) Z3 <- createZforGroupset(groupsetRandom,p=p) S1.Z3 <- createS(G=G, categorical = TRUE) #create difference penalty matrix Con3 <- createCon(G=dim(Z3)[2], shape="positive") #create constraints #fit ecpc for the three co-data matrices with following penalty matrices and constraints #note: can also be fitted without paraPen and/or paraCon Z.all <- list(Z1=Z1,Z2=Z2,Z3=Z3) paraPen.all <- list(Z2=list(S1=S1.Z2), Z3=list(S1=S1.Z3)) paraCon <- list(Z2=Con2, Z3=Con3) ############ # Fit ecpc # ############ tic<-proc.time()[[3]] fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd, Z = Z.all, paraPen = paraPen.all, paraCon = paraCon, model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic predictions <- predict(fit, X2=Dat$X2ctd)
Print summary of the fitted model given in an 'ecpc' object.
## S3 method for class 'ecpc' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ecpc' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ecpc' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ecpc' summary(object, ...)
x |
An 'ecpc' object returned by |
object |
An 'ecpc' object returned by |
... |
... |
See ecpc
for model fitting.
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ################### # Provide co-data # ################### continuousCodata <- abs(Dat$beta) Z1 <- cbind(continuousCodata,sqrt(continuousCodata)) #setting 2: splines for informative continuous Z2 <- createZforSplines(values=continuousCodata) S1.Z2 <- createS(orderPen=2, G=dim(Z2)[2]) #create difference penalty matrix Con2 <- createCon(G=dim(Z2)[2], shape="positive+monotone.i") #create constraints #setting 3: 5 random groups G <- 5 categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,p,TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups: groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) Z3 <- createZforGroupset(groupsetRandom,p=p) S1.Z3 <- createS(G=G, categorical = TRUE) #create difference penalty matrix Con3 <- createCon(G=dim(Z3)[2], shape="positive") #create constraints #fit ecpc for the three co-data matrices with following penalty matrices and constraints #note: can also be fitted without paraPen and/or paraCon Z.all <- list(Z1=Z1,Z2=Z2,Z3=Z3) paraPen.all <- list(Z2=list(S1=S1.Z2), Z3=list(S1=S1.Z3)) paraCon <- list(Z2=Con2, Z3=Con3) ############ # Fit ecpc # ############ tic<-proc.time()[[3]] fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd, Z = Z.all, paraPen = paraPen.all, paraCon = paraCon, model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic print(fit) summary(fit)
##################### # Simulate toy data # ##################### p<-300 #number of covariates n<-100 #sample size training data set n2<-100 #sample size test data set #simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)): muBeta<-0 #prior mean varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution) #simulate test and training data sets: Dat<-simDat(n,p,n2,muBeta,varBeta,indT1,sigma=1,model='linear') str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients ################### # Provide co-data # ################### continuousCodata <- abs(Dat$beta) Z1 <- cbind(continuousCodata,sqrt(continuousCodata)) #setting 2: splines for informative continuous Z2 <- createZforSplines(values=continuousCodata) S1.Z2 <- createS(orderPen=2, G=dim(Z2)[2]) #create difference penalty matrix Con2 <- createCon(G=dim(Z2)[2], shape="positive+monotone.i") #create constraints #setting 3: 5 random groups G <- 5 categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,p,TRUE)) #make group set, i.e. list with G groups: groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom) Z3 <- createZforGroupset(groupsetRandom,p=p) S1.Z3 <- createS(G=G, categorical = TRUE) #create difference penalty matrix Con3 <- createCon(G=dim(Z3)[2], shape="positive") #create constraints #fit ecpc for the three co-data matrices with following penalty matrices and constraints #note: can also be fitted without paraPen and/or paraCon Z.all <- list(Z1=Z1,Z2=Z2,Z3=Z3) paraPen.all <- list(Z2=list(S1=S1.Z2), Z3=list(S1=S1.Z3)) paraCon <- list(Z2=Con2, Z3=Con3) ############ # Fit ecpc # ############ tic<-proc.time()[[3]] fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd, Z = Z.all, paraPen = paraPen.all, paraCon = paraCon, model="linear",maxsel=c(5,10,15,20), Y2=Dat$Y2,X2=Dat$X2ctd) toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic print(fit) summary(fit)
Produce folds for cross-validation.
produceFolds(nsam, outerfold, response, model = c("logistic","cox","other"), balance = TRUE)
produceFolds(nsam, outerfold, response, model = c("logistic","cox","other"), balance = TRUE)
nsam |
Number of samples |
outerfold |
Number of folds. |
response |
Response data. |
model |
Type of model for the response. |
balance |
Should folds be balanced in response? |
A list with ‘outerfold’ elements containing a vector of sample indices in each fold.
n<-100 outerfold <- 10 #linear model resp <- rnorm(n) folds <- produceFolds(nsam=n, outerfold=outerfold, response=resp) #logistic model: keep 0/1 balanced across folds resp <- as.factor(rnorm(n)>0.5) folds <- produceFolds(nsam=n, outerfold=outerfold, response=resp, balance = TRUE)
n<-100 outerfold <- 10 #linear model resp <- rnorm(n) folds <- produceFolds(nsam=n, outerfold=outerfold, response=resp) #logistic model: keep 0/1 balanced across folds resp <- as.factor(rnorm(n)>0.5) folds <- produceFolds(nsam=n, outerfold=outerfold, response=resp, balance = TRUE)
Simulate toy data with linear or logistic response.
simDat(n, p, n2 = 20, muGrp, varGrp, indT, sigma = 1, model = c("linear","logistic"), flag = FALSE)
simDat(n, p, n2 = 20, muGrp, varGrp, indT, sigma = 1, model = c("linear","logistic"), flag = FALSE)
n |
Number of samples for the training set. |
p |
Number of covariates. |
n2 |
Number of independent samples for the test set. |
muGrp |
Prior mean for different groups. |
varGrp |
Prior variance for different groups. |
indT |
True group index of each covariate; p-dimensional vector. |
sigma |
Variance parameter for linear model. |
model |
Type of model. |
flag |
Should linear predictors and true response be plotted? |
A list with
beta |
Simulated regression coefficients |
Xctd |
Simulated observed data for training set |
Y |
Simulated response data for test set |
X2ctd |
Simulated observed data for test set |
Y2 |
Simulated response data for test set |
n<-10 p<-30 #simulate beta from two normal distributions; beta_k ~ N(mu_k,tau^2_k) muGrp <- c(0,0.1) #mean (mu_1,mu_2) varGrp <- c(0.05,0.01) #variance (tau^2_1,tau^2_2) #group number of each covariate; first half in group 1, second half in group 2 indT <- rep(c(1,2),each=15) dataLin <- simDat(n, p, n2 = 20, muGrp, varGrp, indT, sigma = 1, model = "linear", flag = TRUE) dataLog <- simDat(n, p, n2 = 20, muGrp, varGrp, indT, model = "logistic", flag = TRUE)
n<-10 p<-30 #simulate beta from two normal distributions; beta_k ~ N(mu_k,tau^2_k) muGrp <- c(0,0.1) #mean (mu_1,mu_2) varGrp <- c(0.05,0.01) #variance (tau^2_1,tau^2_2) #group number of each covariate; first half in group 1, second half in group 2 indT <- rep(c(1,2),each=15) dataLin <- simDat(n, p, n2 = 20, muGrp, varGrp, indT, sigma = 1, model = "linear", flag = TRUE) dataLog <- simDat(n, p, n2 = 20, muGrp, varGrp, indT, model = "logistic", flag = TRUE)
Discretise continuous co-data by making groups of covariates of various size. The first group is the group with all covariates. Each group is then recursively split in two at the median co-data value, until some user-specified minimum group size is reached. The discretised groups are used for adaptive discretisation of continuous co-data.
splitMedian(values, index=NULL, depth=NULL, minGroupSize = 50, first = TRUE, split = c("both","lower","higher"))
splitMedian(values, index=NULL, depth=NULL, minGroupSize = 50, first = TRUE, split = c("both","lower","higher"))
values |
Vector with the continuous co-data values to be discretised. |
index |
Index of the covariates corresponding to the values supplied. Useful if part of the continuous co-data is missing and only the non-missing part should be discretised. |
depth |
(optional): if given, a discretisation is returned with 'depth' levels of granularity. |
minGroupSize |
Minimum group size that each group of covariates should have. |
split |
"both", "lower" or "higher": should both split groups of covariates be further split, or only the group of covariates that corresponds to the lower or higher continuous co-data group? |
first |
Do not change, recursion help variable. |
A list with groups of covariates, which may be used as group set in ecpc.
Use obtainHierarchy
to obtain a group set on group level defining the hierarchy for adaptive discretisation of continuous co-data.
cont.codata <- seq(0,1,length.out=20) #continuous co-data #full tree with minimum group size 5 groupset1 <- splitMedian(values=cont.codata,minGroupSize=5) #only split at lower continous co-data group groupset2 <- splitMedian(values=cont.codata,split="lower",minGroupSize=5) part <- sample(1:length(cont.codata),15) #discretise only for a part of the continuous co-data cont.codata[-part] <- NaN #suppose rest is missing #make group set of non-missing values groupset3 <- splitMedian(values=cont.codata[part],index=part,minGroupSize=5) groupset3 <- c(groupset3,list(which(is.nan(cont.codata)))) #add missing data group
cont.codata <- seq(0,1,length.out=20) #continuous co-data #full tree with minimum group size 5 groupset1 <- splitMedian(values=cont.codata,minGroupSize=5) #only split at lower continous co-data group groupset2 <- splitMedian(values=cont.codata,split="lower",minGroupSize=5) part <- sample(1:length(cont.codata),15) #discretise only for a part of the continuous co-data cont.codata[-part] <- NaN #suppose rest is missing #make group set of non-missing values groupset3 <- splitMedian(values=cont.codata[part],index=part,minGroupSize=5) groupset3 <- c(groupset3,list(which(is.nan(cont.codata)))) #add missing data group
Visualises a group set in a graph, with directed edges indicating the hierarchy.
visualiseGroupset(Groupset, groupweights, groupset.grouplvl, nodeSize = 10, ls = 1)
visualiseGroupset(Groupset, groupweights, groupset.grouplvl, nodeSize = 10, ls = 1)
Groupset |
List of G groups of covariates. |
groupweights |
(optional) vector with G group weights; if given, group weights are visualised too. |
groupset.grouplvl |
List of G_2 groups defining a hierarchy. |
nodeSize |
Size of the nodes in the visualisation; scalar. |
ls |
Line size; scalar. |
A ggplot object.
to plot estimated group set weights. and visualiseGroupweights
to plot estimated group weights.
#groups without hierarchical constraints groupset <- list("Group1"=c(1:20),"Group2"=c(15,30)) visualiseGroupset(groupset,c(0.5,2)) #hierarchical groups cont.codata <- seq(0,1,length.out=20) #continuous co-data #only split at lower continous co-data group hierarchicalgroupset <- splitMedian(values=cont.codata,split="lower",minGroupSize=5) #obtain groups on group level defining the hierarchy groupset.grouplvl <- obtainHierarchy(hierarchicalgroupset) visualiseGroupset(hierarchicalgroupset, groupset.grouplvl=groupset.grouplvl)
#groups without hierarchical constraints groupset <- list("Group1"=c(1:20),"Group2"=c(15,30)) visualiseGroupset(groupset,c(0.5,2)) #hierarchical groups cont.codata <- seq(0,1,length.out=20) #continuous co-data #only split at lower continous co-data group hierarchicalgroupset <- splitMedian(values=cont.codata,split="lower",minGroupSize=5) #obtain groups on group level defining the hierarchy groupset.grouplvl <- obtainHierarchy(hierarchicalgroupset) visualiseGroupset(hierarchicalgroupset, groupset.grouplvl=groupset.grouplvl)
Plot group set weights from multiple cross-validation folds.
visualiseGroupsetweights(dfGrps, GroupsetNames, hist = FALSE, boxplot = TRUE, jitter = TRUE, ps = 1.5, width = 0.5)
visualiseGroupsetweights(dfGrps, GroupsetNames, hist = FALSE, boxplot = TRUE, jitter = TRUE, ps = 1.5, width = 0.5)
dfGrps |
Data frame containing the following variables; 'Groupset': factor with group set names; 'Groupset.weight': group set weight of each group set; 'Fold': number indicating which fold in the cross-validation is used. |
GroupsetNames |
Vector with names of the group sets. |
hist |
Should histogram be plotted? |
boxplot |
Should boxplot be used or points? |
jitter |
Should group set weights be jittered? |
ps |
Point size. |
width |
Width of jitter. |
Plot in ggplot object.
to visualise group sets and visualiseGroupweights
to plot estimated group weights.
dfGrps <- data.frame(Groupset=rep(c(1,2),each=10), Groupset.weight=c(rnorm(10,0,0.01),rnorm(10,1,0.05)), Fold=rep(1:10,2)) GroupsetNames <- c("Groupset1","Groupset2") visualiseGroupsetweights(dfGrps, GroupsetNames, hist = FALSE, boxplot = TRUE,jitter=TRUE)
dfGrps <- data.frame(Groupset=rep(c(1,2),each=10), Groupset.weight=c(rnorm(10,0,0.01),rnorm(10,1,0.05)), Fold=rep(1:10,2)) GroupsetNames <- c("Groupset1","Groupset2") visualiseGroupsetweights(dfGrps, GroupsetNames, hist = FALSE, boxplot = TRUE,jitter=TRUE)
Plot group weights from multiple cross-validation folds.
visualiseGroupweights(dfGrps, Groupset, groupset.grouplvl, values, widthBoxplot = 0.05, boxplot = TRUE, jitter = TRUE, ps = 1.5, ls = 1)
visualiseGroupweights(dfGrps, Groupset, groupset.grouplvl, values, widthBoxplot = 0.05, boxplot = TRUE, jitter = TRUE, ps = 1.5, ls = 1)
dfGrps |
Data frame containing the following variables; 'Group': factor with group names; 'Group.weight': group weight of each group; 'Fold': number indicating which fold in the cross-validation is used. |
Groupset |
List of G elements containing covariate indices for each group |
groupset.grouplvl |
(optional): groups on group level, e.g. defining a hierarchical structure. |
values |
(optional): values of continuous co-data. If given, group weights are plotted against these value. |
widthBoxplot |
Width of boxplot. |
boxplot |
Should a boxplot be plotted? |
jitter |
Should point estimates be jittered? |
ps |
Point size. |
ls |
Line size. |
Plot in ggplot object.
to visualise group sets and visualiseGroupsetweights
to plot estimated group set weights.
#discrete groups groupset1 <- list(1:20,21:40) dfGrps1 <- data.frame(Group=as.factor(rep(c(1,2),each=10)), Group.weight=c(rnorm(10,0.5,0.01),rnorm(10,2,0.05)), Fold=rep(1:10,2)) visualiseGroupweights(dfGrps1, Groupset=groupset1) #continous co-data groups cont.codata <- seq(0,1,length.out=40) #continuous co-data #only split at lower continous co-data group groupset2 <- splitMedian(values=cont.codata,split="lower",minGroupSize=10) #obtain groups on group level defining the hierarchy groupset.grouplvl <- obtainHierarchy(groupset2) #simulate random group weights around 1 dfGrps2 <- data.frame(Group=as.factor(rep(1:length(groupset2),each=10)), Group.weight=c(rnorm(10*length(groupset2),1,0.01)), Fold=rep(1:10,length(groupset2))) #plot group weights per group visualiseGroupweights(dfGrps2, Groupset=groupset2, groupset.grouplvl=groupset.grouplvl) #plot group weights per leaf group in the hierarchical tree visualiseGroupweights(dfGrps2, Groupset=groupset2, groupset.grouplvl=groupset.grouplvl, values=cont.codata)
#discrete groups groupset1 <- list(1:20,21:40) dfGrps1 <- data.frame(Group=as.factor(rep(c(1,2),each=10)), Group.weight=c(rnorm(10,0.5,0.01),rnorm(10,2,0.05)), Fold=rep(1:10,2)) visualiseGroupweights(dfGrps1, Groupset=groupset1) #continous co-data groups cont.codata <- seq(0,1,length.out=40) #continuous co-data #only split at lower continous co-data group groupset2 <- splitMedian(values=cont.codata,split="lower",minGroupSize=10) #obtain groups on group level defining the hierarchy groupset.grouplvl <- obtainHierarchy(groupset2) #simulate random group weights around 1 dfGrps2 <- data.frame(Group=as.factor(rep(1:length(groupset2),each=10)), Group.weight=c(rnorm(10*length(groupset2),1,0.01)), Fold=rep(1:10,length(groupset2))) #plot group weights per group visualiseGroupweights(dfGrps2, Groupset=groupset2, groupset.grouplvl=groupset.grouplvl) #plot group weights per leaf group in the hierarchical tree visualiseGroupweights(dfGrps2, Groupset=groupset2, groupset.grouplvl=groupset.grouplvl, values=cont.codata)